Personalization in Email Marketing: How CRM Systems Can Help SMBs Stand Out

Richard Sutherland
Richard Sutherland

Have you ever wished your email marketing campaigns could feel like a personal conversation with each recipient instead of generic, faceless communication? Personalization is the answer. Personalization in email marketing means tailoring your messages to each individual’s unique interests and needs. It makes your emails more engaging and helps you turn subscribers into customers. 

But how can your business effectively implement personalization without getting overwhelmed? A customer relationship management (CRM) system can help.

In this article, we explore examples of personalization in email marketing and discuss how cloud-based CRM systems like Fireberry give you the tools you need to make your marketing emails stand out. 

Key Takeaways

  • Personalized email marketing tailors each email to individual preferences, making customers feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

  • Personalized product recommendations, behavior-triggered emails, and location-based emails are just a few examples of effective personalization.

  • CRM systems can gather customer data, automate emails, and help you personalize content for maximum impact.

  • Automating emails based on triggers like new signups or abandoned carts helps you deliver timely and relevant messages.

What is Personalization in Email Marketing?

Personalization in email marketing involves using information like demographics, past purchases, and browsing behavior to create emails that feel like they were written specifically for each customer. Personalization tools make this possible, allowing you to craft targeted messages that resonate with your audience.

A simple example is adding personalized subject lines to your automated emails. Instead of a generic “Exclusive offer inside!”, you could use, “Jennifer, your exclusive offer awaits!” 

Personalizing subject lines has been shown to increase email open rates by 26% on average.1 Plus, revenue from personalized emails can be 5.7 times higher than non-personalized emails.1

But personalization can go far deeper than that. You can use it to dynamically change the content, offers, and even the timing of your emails to match each individual’s preferences and actions. This level of customization can skyrocket your email open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign success.

Imagine your customers getting an email from your store that not only greets them by name but also suggests items based on their past purchases and browsing history. This personalized touch makes them feel seen and valued as customers, so they’re more likely to engage with the email and maybe even make a purchase.

Examples of Personalization in Email Marketing

Personalized product recommendations

By digging into the data stored in your CRM system, marketing personalization tools can spot patterns and trends that help you figure out what each customer is most likely to buy.

For example, if a customer loves running shoes, you could send an email showcasing the latest models or accessories that perfectly complement their passion for running.

Behavior-triggered emails

Personalized marketing tools can put your email campaigns on autopilot by responding to specific actions your customers take. This is called behavior-triggered email marketing, and it's a great way to engage with your audience. 

For instance, if someone leaves items in their shopping cart, you can send them a friendly reminder email, maybe even with a special offer to sweeten the deal.

Behavior-triggered emails can also be used to welcome new subscribers, re-engage inactive customers, or simply say “thank you” after a purchase. Each of these emails is a personalized touchpoint that strengthens the bond between your brand and your customers—all without you having to lift a finger.

Location-based personalization

Location-based personalization means customizing your email content based on where your customers are located. This is a strong option for businesses with multiple locations or those targeting specific regions.

Imagine you’re a nationwide retailer. With location-based personalization, you can send emails promoting events happening at the store closest to each customer or highlight special deals that are only available in their area.

Personalized content based on industry or role

Digital marketing personalization can go even further by tailoring content to the recipient’s specific industry or job role. This means crafting emails that address the particular challenges, goals, or interests that are relevant to their professional world.

For example, imagine a software company that offers a range of solutions. Instead of sending the same generic email to everyone, they could send different versions to different groups. Marketers might receive an email highlighting how the software can boost their campaign results, while sales reps might get one focusing on how it can streamline their lead management process. Meanwhile, IT professionals might receive an email showcasing the software’s security features and integration capabilities.

Anniversary or milestone emails

Celebrating customer milestones, like birthdays or anniversaries with your company, is another fantastic way to show you care and strengthen relationships. Imagine getting an email on your birthday from your favorite online store, offering you a special discount or a little something extra to celebrate. It would make you feel valued, right? That’s the kind of personalized touch that promotes loyalty and keeps customers coming back.

How Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems Can Help with Personalization

CRM systems offer a wealth of business advantages and play an important role in enabling effective personalized email marketing campaigns. Here’s what they can offer you:

Centralized customer data management

CRM systems like Fireberry act as a central hub for your customer data. They gather and organize information from various sources—website visits, purchase history, social media interactions, etc. 

By having everything in one place, you get a complete picture of your audience, their preferences, and how they interact with your brand. This information allows you to create email campaigns that are laser-focused and tailored to each individual customer.

Dynamic content generation

CRM personalization tools—like the ones Fireberry offers—let you add dynamic content to your emails based on each customer’s individual data. This is thanks to a feature called field references, which act as placeholders that get filled in with the right information when the email is sent.

For example, you can use a field reference like {[!accountid_accountname]} to insert the customer’s name in the email greeting, making it instantly more personal. You can also automatically include their account manager’s contact information by adding {[!owner_info]}, making it easy for them to reach out with any questions.

You can use field references in both the email subject and body. 

Fireberry also allows you to access data from related objects. For instance, if you’re sending an email related to an account, you could include information from the primary contact record using a syntax like {[!primarycontact_fullname]}.

This level of personalization makes your emails more engaging and relevant—increasing the chances that people will actually open them, read them, and take action.

Automated email triggers

With Fireberry’s email automation features, you can set up triggers that automatically send emails based on specific events or conditions. This sales automation takes the manual work out of your hands and ensures timely and relevant communication with your customers.

Think of it like setting up a series of dominoes: When a specific action happens (like a new customer signing up or someone abandoning their cart), it triggers a chain reaction that automatically sends a personalized email. You can even set up a welcome email series for new customers, re-engagement emails for those who haven’t interacted with your brand in a while, or abandoned cart reminders to nudge potential sales over the finish line.


In the era of overflowing inboxes, personalized email marketing is the key to standing out and making a lasting impression. Through the power of CRM systems like Fireberry, your business can harness customer data, automate email campaigns, and deliver truly personalized experiences.

From dynamic content generation to automated triggers, Fireberry provides the email personalization tools you need to elevate your email marketing game. So, why wait? Try free personalization with Fireberry’s free plan to experience the difference it can make for your business.

Email Marketing FAQs

What is personalization in CRM?

Personalization in CRM refers to the practice of tailoring customer interactions based on individual data stored within the CRM system. This can include personalized emails, targeted offers, and customized communication strategies to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

Why is personalization important in marketing?

Personalization is important in marketing because it allows businesses to deliver more relevant and engaging experiences to their customers. By tailoring messages and offers to individual preferences, businesses can improve open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign success.

How is personalization used in subject lines for email marketing campaigns?

Personalization in subject lines can involve using the recipient's name, referencing their past purchases, or mentioning their location or interests. The goal is to capture attention and make the email feel more relevant to the individual, increasing the likelihood that they will open and engage with the content.


1 - Campaign Monitor - The New Rules of Email Marketing -