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Call Routing

What is Call Routing?

Call routing is the process of automatically directing incoming calls to the appropriate agent, department, or resource in a company. Call routing in call centers is like a traffic controller for inbound inquiries, ensuring customers are connected to the right place based on their needs.

Additionally, call routing systems can be configured to prioritize urgent issues and provide tailored support to high-touch customers (i.e., those who require a high level of personalized service).

This automated system is especially crucial for inbound call centers handling high call volumes, as it efficiently distributes the workload among agents, preventing overload. 

How Does Call Routing Work?

At the heart of any call routing system is a set of rules that determine how incoming calls should be directed. These rules can be based on various factors, including:

  • The caller’s phone number or geographic location
  • The time of day or day of the week
  • The nature of the caller’s inquiry (e.g., sales, support, billing)
  • The caller’s language preference
  • The caller’s position in the queue

When a call comes in, the automated call routing system quickly analyzes these factors and matches the caller with the most appropriate agent, department, or resource based on the predefined rules. This process happens in seconds. 

One of the key components of a call routing system is an interactive voice response (IVR) system. An IVR is an automated menu that prompts callers to provide information about the nature of their call, often by pressing numbers on their phone keypad or speaking simple commands. Based on the caller’s responses, the IVR can route the call to the appropriate destination or provide self-service options, such as account balance inquiries or frequently asked questions.

Another important aspect of call routing is call queuing. When all agents are busy, incoming calls are placed in a queue and answered in the order they were received. Some call routing systems offer additional features to refine the queuing process, such as the ability to re-prioritize specific call types to expedite service further.

Call routing systems can also be integrated with other software, such as customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, to provide agents with valuable context about each caller before they even answer the phone. By automatically pulling up customer knowledge — such as their account information, purchase history, and previous interactions with the company — agents can provide more personalized and efficient service.

The Different Types of Call Routing

There are several call routing strategies businesses can employ, each with its own advantages and use cases. Below are some of the most common types.

  • Skills-based routing: Focuses on matching the specific skills of an agent to the specific needs of a caller. For example, a caller with a technical question about a software product would be routed to an agent with expertise in that particular software. 
  • Time-based routing: Routes calls depending on the current time of day or day of the week. For instance, calls received outside regular business hours may be directed to an after-hours support team or voicemail system.
  • Geographic routing: Directs calls based on the caller’s geographic location — helpful for companies operating across several offices or service areas. This method ensures callers are connected with the branch or department most relevant to their needs.
  • Weighted routing: Allocates incoming calls to agents based on predefined percentages, ensuring calls are routed to agents according to their skill level or workload capacity. For example, a highly skilled agent might be assigned 50% of incoming calls, while a newer agent might receive 20%.
  • Least-occupied routing: Directs calls to the agent who has handled the fewest calls, helping distribute the workload evenly among all available agents. For example, if Agent 1 has handled 20 calls, Agent 2 has handled 16 calls, and Agent 3 has handled 12 calls, the next incoming call would be routed to Agent C, as they’ve handled the fewest calls so far. This method ensures no single agent becomes overwhelmed by taking on significantly more calls than their colleagues.
  • Round-robin routing: Routes calls to agents in a cyclical manner, ensuring each receives an equal number of calls. For example, if there are three agents (Agent 1, Agent 2, and Agent 3), the first call would go to Agent 1, the second to Agent 2, and the third to Agent 3. The cycle would then repeat, starting with Agent 1. This helps prevent any single agent from being overloaded.

Businesses can also combine multiple types of call routing to create a more sophisticated and effective system. For example, a company might use skills-based routing to direct calls to the most qualified agents and time-based routing to ensure calls are handled promptly during peak hours.

The Benefits of Call Routing

Call routing offers numerous benefits for businesses and their customers alike. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Improved customer satisfaction. Call routing helps ensure prompt and effective service by directing callers to the most appropriate agent or department. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty while reducing frustration and wait times.
  • Better resource utilization. By matching callers with the most qualified or experienced agents, call routing also helps ensure the person best suited to address the customer's needs handles each interaction. This can lead to more effective use of the company's human resources and expertise.
  • Increased efficiency. Call routing systems are designed to balance call volume among agents, preventing individual burnout and ensuring efficient handling of every interaction. By optimizing agent availability, call routing also contributes to shorter call durations, minimized hold times, and faster resolution of customer issues.
  • Enhanced scalability. As businesses grow and call volumes increase, call routing systems can easily scale to meet the increased demand. This allows companies to maintain high levels of customer service even as their customer base expands.
  • Reduced costs. By automating the call distribution process and enabling self-service options through IVR systems, call routing can help companies reduce labor costs and improve overall operational efficiency.
  • Valuable insights. Call routing systems can capture valuable data about customer interactions, such as wait times and common issues. Companies can use these insights to identify areas for improvement, optimize staffing levels, and make decisions about customer service strategies.

Overall, call routing is a critical component of modern call center operations, as it helpsstreamline the handling of customer inquiries, support requests, and sales calls. By directing calls to the appropriate destination, businesses can reduce wait times, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve their entire customer service operation.