Creating and managing a new record

The Fireberry CRM platform allows you to effectively manage and track your records. Learn how to easily create and manage your Fireberry records.

Adding new records

The system stores different types of information in different fields for each record. For example, an account record contains information such as the account’s name, email, mobile number, and more.

Each object in the system has its own group of records related to it. For example, you can have several different account records under the Accounts object, such as the account record "James Walsh":

To add a new record to your system follow these steps:

To create a new account record, for example, first select the Accounts object in the top bar. If the Accounts object isn't there, you can find it in the More dropdown menu in the top bar.
Next, click the Add button in the upper right corner of the page, and fill in the account data in the new pop-up record form.

Tip: The form which appears when you click on the Add button is determined based on the form in your page layout. To learn more and set up the form which appears here, see this article.

For example, you can store an account's email address and telephone number in the Email and Mobile fields respectively, fill in the Lead Source field, etc.

Finally, click Save to add the new account to your system.

Important note: Red dots indicate mandatory fields, such as Account Name and Account Owner. These are required fields, and an account cannot be saved if they are not filled in.

Other records in the system can be created similarly. For example, you can create a new meeting by selecting the Meetings object and clicking Add. In the window that opens, fill in the mandatory fields (Subject, Start Date, etc.) and any other fields you wish to include in the record, then click Save.

Each Fireberry object has its own set of default fields, which apply to all records within that object.

Important note: The system automatically fills in four fields when a new record is created: Created By, Created On, Modified By, and Modified On. These are all read-only fields, and can not be edited by any of the users.

Manage your records data

The information stored in your CRM can be tracked and managed directly from your records.

It is possible to perform different actions on each record, such as sending emails, taking notes, or creating new tasks. These activities can be performed in the activity bar of the record (the record's stream).

Let’s take a look at one of the account's records to demonstrate.   

To create a new task related to the account record, click Task in the activity bar, fill in the subject, due date, and assigned user, then click Save.

If you want to upload a new file to the record, click Files and then drag and drop the file to the account.

Fireberry allows you to relate records between two different objects. For example, you can create new contacts for your account records.

Choose the account record which you would like to add your new contact to. Click the plus + icon in the top right corner of the record, and then choose Contacts. Now you can fill in relevant fields, such as the phone number, email address, and job title of the contact. To save the data, click Save.

The newly saved contact now appears in the account’s record.

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